윤혜진 부교수
윤혜진 Youn, Hyejin

부교수 / 전략/국제경영

교수 소개

윤혜진 교수는 현재 서울대학교 경영대학 및 경영전문대학원에서 전략/국제경영 전공의 부교수로 재직하고 있다. KAIST에서 물리학으로 학사와 박사 학위를 받았고, 이후, Santa Fe Institute, Oxford University, MIT Media Lab, Harvard Kennedy School에서 펠로우와 연구 교수로 지냈다. 서울대학교에 부임하기 전에는 Northwestern University Kellogg School of Business에서 조교수 및 부교수로 재직하였다.

주요 연구 분야는 복잡계와 계산사회학이다. 최근 증가하는 빅데이터와 컴퓨팅 역량을 활용하여, 도시, 혁신, 창의성, 성공 예측 등 다양한 사회 현상을 설명하는 수리적 및 계산적 프레임워크을 만들어, 정책 및 전략적 의사결정에 필요한 실질적인 통찰을 제공하는 학제간 연구를 중점적으로 하고 있다. 학제 간 연구에서 탑저널들인 PNAS, Nature Human Behaviour, Nature Communications, Science Advances등을 비롯하여 물리학 최고 저널인 Physics Review Letter와 혁신 저널인 Research Policy 에 게재하는 등 활발한 연구 활동을 하고 있다. 연구 활동 이외에도 윤교수는 The Economist, Forbes, NBC News, WIRED, Bloomberg, Smart Planet, MIT Technology Review, Scientific American, New Scientist등을 비롯한 해외 주요 언론과의 인터뷰를 하는 등 꾸준히 대중들과 소통을 하고 있다. 또한 경영학 탑저널인 Management Science Associate Editor와 학제간 연구 저널인 PlosOne와 Nature 자매저널중 하나인 complexity의 Associate Editor를 역임하는 하며, 미국 과학재단 (National Science Foundation)에서 수십억의 규모의 과제를 지휘하고 과제리뷰를 하는 자문을 역임하며 학계에서 활발한 활동을 하고 있다.

자세한 사항은 [CV], 홈페이지 [hyoun.me] 또는 구글 스칼라 참조

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[Academic Positions]

  • Associate Professor in Strategy and International Management, SNU Business School, Seoul National University (2024-present)
  • Associate Professor in Management and Organization, Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University (2022-2024)
  • Assistant Professor in Management and Organization, Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University (2017-2022)

  • [Education]
  • Ph.D. in Physics (Statistical Physics), KAIST (2006-2011)
  • M.S. in Physics, KAIST (2003-2006)
  • B.S. in Physics, KAIST (1998-2003)
  • 학술활동

    1. What makes Individual I's a Collective We; Coordination mechanisms & costs
      J. Yoon, C. Kempes, V. Chuqiao Yang, G. West, H. Youn
      working paper arXiv:2306.02113 [physics.soc-ph] [updated version].

    2. Deconstructing Human Capital to Construct Hierarchical Nestedness
      M. Hosseinioun, F. Neffke, LT. Zhang, H.Youn
      working paper arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.15629 [updated version].

    3. Deeply nested structure of mythological traditions worldwide
      H. Kim, M. J. Hamilton, W-S Jung, Y. Berezkin and H. Youn
      working paper working paper [updated version].

    4. The impact of geographical distance on learning through collaboration
      F. Wouden, H.Youn
      Research Policy 522 [link].

    5. Metrics and mechanisms: Measuring the unmeasurable in the science of scienceL
      Wu, A Kittur, H Youn, S Milojevic, E Leahey, SM Fiore, YY Ahn
      Journal of Informetrics 16101290 [link].

    6. The universal pathway to innovative urban economies
      I. Hong, M. R. Frank, I. Rahwan, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn
      Science Advances 6:34, eaba4934 [link] [Phys.org].

    7. Toward understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on labor M. R. Frank et al
      PNAS 116 (14) 6531-6539 [link] [Forbes].

    8. Scaling and the Universality of Function Diversity Across Human Organizations
      V. Yang, C. P Kempes, H. Youn, S. Redner, G.B. West
      arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.06487[link] (2022)

    9. Industrial Topics in Urban Labor System
      J Park, MR Frank, L Sun, H Youn
      arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.09799[link] (2020)

    10. Small cities face greater impact from automation.
      M.R. Frank, L. Sun, M. Cebrian, H. Youn, I. Rahwan
      J. R. Soc. Interface 15:20170946 [link], [COVER][MIT Technology Review][New Scientist] [Kellogg Insight]

    11. Morphology of travel routes and the organization of cities
      Minjin Lee, Hugo Barbosa, Hyejin Youn, Gourab Ghoshal, Petter Holme
      Nature Communications 8:2229 [link], [Santa Fe Institute working paper]

    12. On the universal structure of human lexical semantics
      H. Youn, L. Sutton, E. Smith, C. Moore, J. Wilkins, I. Maddieson, B. Croft, T. Bhattacharya,
      PNAS 113 (7) 1766R11;1771 [link] [project page]
      [Phys.org] , [Santa Fe Institute news], [Mathematical Institute news, University of Oxford], [PNAS highlights], [viz made by Quartz], [Nature], and in [National Geography]

    13. Invention as a combinatorial process: Evidence from U.S. Patents
      H. Youn, J. Lobo, L.M.A. Bettencourt, D. Strumsky
      J. R. Soc. Interface 12: 20150272 (2015). [Link] [arXiv]
      [the Economist] [MIT Technology Review] [Nature Physics].

    14. Studying language evolution in the age of big data
      T. Bhattacharya, N. Retzlaff, D. E Blasi, W. Croft, C.D. Hruschka, I. Maddieson, L. Muller, E. Smith, P. F. Stadler, G. Starostin, H. Youn
      Journal of Language Evolution 3:2, 94R11;129 [link] (2018)

    15. Dynamic burstiness of word-occurrence and network modularity in textbook systems
      XM. Cui, CN Yoon, H Youn, SH Lee, JS Jung, SK Han,
      Physica A 487:103-110 [link]

    16. Technological novelty profile and inventions future impact
      D. Kim, D. Burkhardt Cerigo, H. Jeong, H. Youn
      EPJ Data Science 2016 5:8 [link], [Springer Blog]

    17. Demographics and Democracy: A Network Analysis of Mongolians Political Cognition
      P. Sabloff, S. Thurner, R. Hanel, H. Youn
      Journal of Anthropological Research 73:617-646 [link].

    18. Scaling and universality in urban economic diversification
      H. Youn, J. Lobo, D. Strumsky, H. Samaniego, G. B. West, L. Bettencourt
      J. R. Soc. Interface 13 20150937 (2016) [arXiv] [link]
      [Science of Cities] in Next City, and [Forbes].

    19. The Hypothesis of Urban Scaling: formalization, implications, and challenges
      L. M. A. Bettencourt, J. Lobo, G. B. West, H. Youn
      [working paper] [ arXiv ]

    20. The ecological and evolutionary energetics of hunter-gatherer residential mobility
      M. J. Hamilton, J. Lobo, E. Rupley, H. Youn, G. B. West
      Evolutionary Anthropology 25:124R11;132 (2016) [link] [arXiv] [Phys.Org]

    21. Constructing cities, deconstructing scaling laws
      E. Arcaute, E. Hatna, P. Ferguson, H. Youn, A. Johansson, and M. Batty
      J. R. Soc. Interface 12 20140745 (2014) [Link]

    22. Professional diversity and the productivity of cities
      L. Bettencourt, H. Samaniego, H. Youn
      Scientific Reports 4, 5393 (2014) [arXiv] [Link] [WalletHub]

    23. The geography and carbon footprint of mobile phone use in Cote d Ivoire
      V. Salnikov, D. Schien, H. Youn, R. Lambiotte, and M. Gastner
      EPJ Data Science 3, 3 (2013) [Link] [arXiv]

    24. The Statistics of Urban Scaling and Their Connection to Zipf’s Law
      A. Gomez-Lievano, H. Youn, L. M. A. Bettencourt
      PLoS ONE 7(7) e40393 (2012) [Link]

    25. Inefficiency in Networks with Multiple Sources and Sinks
      H. Youn, M. T. Gastner, H. Jeong
      Complex ‘2009 (USST, Shanghai, China, Feb. 23-25) [Link]

    26. The Price of Anarchy in Transportation Networks: Efficiency and Optimality Control
      H. Youn, M. T. Gastner, H. Jeong
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 128701 [Link] [The Economist] [Scientific American] [News and Tribune] [Physics.org] [ArsTechnica]

    27. Price of Anarchy on Boston Road Network
      H. Youn, F. Roth, M. Silver, M.-H. Cloutier, P. Ittzes, and H. Jeong
      J. Korean Phys. Soc. 48 217 [Link]

    [Academic Activities]
  • Associate Editor, Management Science (2023-)
  • Associate Editor, NPJ Complexity (2024-)
  • Academic Editor, PLOS One (2017-)
  • Guest Editor: Energies(2019), Advances in Complex Systems(2022), Frontiers in ICT(2020), Information Processing and Management (2024),
  • U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF): ad-hoc advisory panel services (2021-2023)