March to April | May to June |
SemesterⅠ- ModuleⅠ (8 weeks) | SemesterⅠ- ModuleⅡ (8 weeks) |
※The academic schedule above is subject to change depending on the circumstances of the course operation.
- Financial Accounting
- Organizational Behavior
- Statistics and Decision Models
- Financial Management
- Marketing
- Strategy
Corporate Finance
Creativity and Innovation
Digital Business Strategy
Environmental Shifts and Strategic Innovation
Hi-Tech Competitive Strategy
Management of Technology
Pricing and Sales Promotion Strategies
SNU Biz Startup Garage
Strategic Brand Management
Topic sin Management Information Systems
Business Ethics and Legal Issues
Emerging Technologies and Entrepreneurship
Financial Management
Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation
International Financial Management
Managing Changes
Organizational Design
Risk and Insurance
Technological Innovation and Business Redesign
Topics in Accounting
August to October | November to December |
SemesterⅡ - ModuleⅠ (8 weeks) | SemesterⅡ - ModuleⅡ (8 weeks) |
※The academic schedule above is subject to change depending on the circumstances of the course operation.
- Information Technology
- Managerial Accounting
- Operations Management
- Human Resource Management
- International Business
- Managerial Economics
Art and Culture Marketing
Business Negotiation
Digital Marketing
Financial Engineering and Risk Management
HR Analytics
Machine Learning for Finance and Economics
New Biz Model in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era
Process Innovation
Service Marketing
Supply Chain Management
Accounting Analytics
Business and Humanities
Business Environment
Case Studies in Finance
Corporate Strategy
Marketing Strategy
New Product Development
Strategic Tax Planning
For more information, please contact Executive MBA Office at emba@snu.ac.kr or +82-02-880-2521.