Study Abroad
Global Experience
The Only Korean Member School of the GNAM

We are the only Korean member of the Global Network for Advanced Management (GNAM), the network established by Yale University in collaboration with top business schools across the world.
With GNAM, which is breaking new ground in global cooperation between universities, our students are interacting with MBA students around the world through GNAM weeks and network courses, which are simultaneously open to GNAM member schools.
MBA students of SNU can also study at the Yale School of Management through a dual degree program and earn two master’s degrees from SNU and Yale.

GNAM Network Week
GNAM Network Week (GNAM Week)
GNAM Week이미지1
GNAM Week이미지2

GNAM Week is a week of advanced study sessions simultaneously run in the member universities of the Global Network for Advanced Management (GNAM), a network of world-class business schools including Yale University and LSE. Each university gets to choose a topic that aligns with the country and region’s characteristics.
In-depth lectures and team projects are conducted based on these topics, focusing on the country’s economic and management-related issues. Students also have opportunities to visit the representative companies and institutions of each nation and to take part in cultural programs, which help them deepen their understanding of the culture and tradition of each country.

GNAM Network Week Topics (Recent 3 years)
Country GNAM Member School Topic
USA Yale School of Management Behavioral Science of Management
Japan Hitotsubashi ICS Innovation X Globalization: Japan Style
Hong Kong The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong’s evolving role in Greater China and Asia
China Renmin University From ‘Made in China’ to ‘Invented in China’
Canada The University of British Columbia Sustainable Development Goals, Cities, and Inclusive Prosperity
Dual-degree and Student Exchange Partnership

We have extended partnerships with top-tier business schools in order to offer student abundant global experience through dual-degree or student exchange programs.

Country Partner School Program
USA Yale University Dual-degree
Canada University of Toronto Rotman School of Management Student Exchange
France ESSEC Business School Dual-degree Student Exchange
Japan Hitotsubashi University ICS Student Exchange
Meiji University. The Graduate School of Business Administration Student Exchange
Kyoto University Student Exchange
China Peking University Dual-degree Student Exchange
Fudan University Student Exchange
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Student Exchange
Tshinghua University Student Exchange
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Student Exchange
Wuhan University Student Exchange
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong Student Exchange
Singapore Singapore Management University Student Exchange
National University of Singapore Student Exchange
Italia Universita Commerciale L. Bocconi Student Exchange
Brazil The COPPEAD Student Exchange
Russia Moscow State University Graduate School of Business Administration Student Exchange
Germany HHL LEIPZIG Graduate School of Management Student Exchange
Turkey Koc University Student Exchange

* Please note that list of the host institutions may be limited in terms of the balance on the number of exchange students between both school and academic calendar.

Global Residence Program(GRP)

Our MBA students have an opportunity to take the Global Residence Program, through which they can choose one country among major Asian countries such as China and Japan, based on its industrial significance. This course is intended to provide students with a deep understanding of the culture, economy, and society of the country where students visit.
Students will attend lectures, visit various local or multicultural companies, and perform final presentation based on what they have learned from company visits and lectures.

Global Residence Program Host Schools
(Recent 3 years)
Doing Business in Korea (DBiK)

DBiK program consists of special lectures given by SNU faculty members and prominent business figures, visits to companies, cultural experience programs, and team projects.
Through team projects, where Korean and international MBA students form a team to propose ideas to introduce overseas company (services) into Korea.

DBIK Main topics (Recent 3 years)

- Corporate Governance/Accounting Transparency in Korea

- Organizational Culture in Korean Firms

- Doing Business in Korea : From American’s Perspective

- Capital Market in Korea

- K-pop : Korean waves