Professor(KT Chaired Professor) KIM, SANG-HOON

Professor(KT Chaired Professor) / Marketing

phone-icon02-880-6934 maps-iconBldg 58, Room 612 email-iconprofkim@snu.ac.kr
Professor Introduction

Sang-Hoon Kim is Professor of Marketing at SNU Business School. He joined the SNU faculty in 2001. He received a bachelor’s degree at Seoul National University in business administration, and earned a master’s degree at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in management science. He also received an MBA at the University of Chicago, and received a Ph D. from Stanford University in the area of marketing.
Professor Kim’s main research interest lies in the field of art and culture marketing; the marketing strategies of arts, performances, movies, music, games, and media.
His academic papers have appeared in major journals such as the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Product Innovation Management, and Industrial Marketing Management. He wrote several books about marketing trends and high-tech marketing. One of his books received an honorable award from Maeil Business Newspaper in 2005.

Education & Experiences

[Academic Background]

Ph.D. in Marketing, Stanford University, 2000
MBA, U. of Chicago, 1995
M.E. in Management Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, 1990
Bachelor of Business Admin, Seoul National University, 1988

[Work Experience]

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Full-time Lecturer, 2000-2001(June)
Seoul National University, 2001(July)-present


[Research Interest]

Art and Culture Marketing
High-Tech Marketing
New Products
Market Research


하이테크 마케팅, 박영사, 2004.

[Recent Publications]

Suzuki, Kan-ichiro, Sang-Hoon Kim, and Zong-Tae Bae (2002), “Entrepreneurship in Japan and Silicon Valley: A Comparative Study,” Technovation, 22(10), 595-606.

Deshpande, Rohit, Sang-Hoon Kim, and Elie Ofek (2003), “Preempting Competitive Risk via Customer Focus: Entrepreneurial Firms in Japan and the US,” MSI Reports, 03-003, 49-63.

Kim, Sang-Hoon and Sungjoon Nam (2004), “Across the Threshold: Role of Performance and Compatibility in Innovative New Products’ Market Penetration,” Industrial Marketing Management, 33, 689-699.

정창모, 김상훈 (2002), “온라인 상표공동체 충성도가 상표태도 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구,” 경영논집 36권, 633-663.

남성준, 김상훈 (2003), “혁신제품의 경쟁적 특성이 확산에 미치는 영향,” 마케팅연구, 18권 1호, 31-52.

김지경, 김상훈 (2004), “온라인 게임서비스 이용고객의 관계지속기간에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구,” 마케팅연구, 19권 1호, 129-156.

김상훈, 이재연 (2004), “휴대인터넷 연관 서비스간 시장수요 상호영향에 관한 연구,” 통신시장, 56호, 66-80.

[Research in Progress]

Kim, Sang-Hoon and V. Srinivasan, “A Multiattribute Model of the Timing of Buyers’ Upgrading to Improved Versions of High Technology Products”

Choi, Hanool, Sang-Hoon Kim, and Jeho Lee, “Demystifying the Chasm: Role of Network Structure and Network Externalities”

Kim, Sang-Hoon, and S. Chan Choi, “The Role of Warehouse Club Membership Fee in Retail Competition”