Associate Professor Han, Da Hee
Han, Da Hee

Associate Professor / Marketing

maps-iconBldg. 59, Rm. 607 email-icondaheee1221@snu.ac.kr
Professor Introduction

Da Hee Han is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Seoul National University Business School. Prior to joining SNU in 2024, she was an Associate Professor of Marketing at McGill University where she was substantiated (tenured) in 2019. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Seoul National University Business School and her Ph.D. in Business (Major: Marketing; Minor: Psychology) from Indiana University at Bloomington.

Her research examines how emotions and psychological threats influence consumers’ coping strategy, judgment and decision-making, and persuasion. Her research can be divided into two broad programs. The first stream of her research examines the effect of emotions on judgment and decision-making, consumer coping, information processing, and persuasion in the health message and product advertising contexts. Her second stream of research investigates the effect of different types of psychological threats on consumer coping, information processing, and persuasion in the health or prosocial advertising contexts. Her articles have appeared in top marketing journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research and the Journal of Consumer Psychology. She was a recipient of the Park Young Contributor Award for the best paper appearing in Volume 25 (2015) of the Journal of Consumer Psychology by a junior researcher as lead author.

She has taught various courses such as Marketing Management, Principles of Marketing, and Consumer Behavior.

Education & Experiences


Ph.D., Indiana University at Bloomington
Major: Marketing, Minor: Psychology

M.S. in Business Administration, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Concentration: Marketing

B.B.A., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Major: Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude.

[Work Experience]

Associate Professor of Marketing, Seoul National University, August 2024-Present
Associate Professor of Marketing, McGill University (with Tenure), June 2019-July 2024
Assistant Professor of Marketing, McGill University (Tenure-Track), August 2013-May 2019

[Academic Honors and Awards]

- JCP C.W. Park Young Contributor Award for the paper, “Distinct Threats, Common Remedies: How Consumers Cope with Psychological Threat,” published in Journal of Consumer Psychology at the Society for Consumer Psychology Conference in February 2016.
- AMA/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, University of Washington at Seattle, 2012.
- Haring Symposium Fellow (Discussant), Indiana University, 2011
- Doctoral Fellowship, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, 2008-2012
- Summa Cum Laude, Seoul National University (2006)


- Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (2023-2024, Sole Investigator, “Will Sharing This Taint Me or Help Others: The Effect of Message Framing on Willingness to Share Information about Stigmatized Health Topics on Social Media in the Opioid Crisis Context.”).
- Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (2020-2023, Sole Investigator, “The Effect of Life Transitions on Consumer Preference.”).
- Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (2014-2017, Sole Investigator, “The Effect of Political Ideology on Product Preference”).

[Professional Activities: Services to the Field]

- Ad-hoc reviewer: Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Marketing Letters, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Business Research, Seoul Journal of Business
- Invited Chair, Working Papers Session, “Emotions” for the Association for Consumer Research conference, 2018
- Programme Committee for the Society for Consumer Psychology International/Boutique conference, 2018
- Invited Participant, Designing a Career in the Marketing Academy: A Gathering of Future Leaders, New York, NY, 2017
- Invited Reviewer for the SSHRC Insight Grant Competition, 2018.
- Invited Reviewer for the ACR/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Grant, 2017, 2021
- Reviewer for the Association for Consumer Research conference (2013-present)
- Reviewer for the Society for Consumer Psychology conference (2013-present)
- Reviewer for the 2014, 2016, & 2017 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ conference and the 2016 & 2017 Winter Marketing Educators’ conference

[Professional Affiliations]

Association for Consumer Research
Society for Consumer Psychology
American Marketing Association


[Research Interests]

Emotions, Psychological Threats, Coping, and Construal
Health Communication, Persuasion, Information Processing, and Prosocial Behavior.


1. Kim, Claire Heeryung Kim* and Han, DaHee* (2024), “The Effects of Identity Salience on Product Judgment in a Domain of Trade-offs,” European Journal of Marketing, 58 (5), 1387-1409; * indicates equal authorship.

2. Han, DaHee** and Claire Heeryung Kim* (2023), “The Asymmetric Effects of Identity Salience on Judgement: The Role of Valence and Attribute Congruence,” Asia Marketing Journal, 25 (2), 84-98.; * indicates equal authorship, ** indicates a corresponding author.

3. Rosen, Joshua E., Sylvia Seo Eun Chang, Spencer Williams, Joy S. Lee, DaHee Han, Nidhi Agrawal, Joseph H. Joo, Cary Hsieh, Katharina Reinecke, and Joshua M. Liao (2023), “Association between Risk Communication Format and Perceived Risk of Adverse Events after COVID-19 Vaccination among US Adults,” Healthcare, 11 (3), 380.

4. Kim, Claire Heeryung, DaHee Han, Adam Duhachek, and Zakary Tormala (2018), “Political Identity, Preference, and Persuasion,” Social Influence, 13 (4), 177-191.

5. Han, DaHee, Ashok Lalwani, and Adam Duhachek (2017), “Power Distance Belief, Power, and Charitable Giving,” Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (June), 182-195.

- Featured in UK Fundraising, Charity Times, Bdaily, and Charity Digital News.

6. Han, DaHee, Adam Duhachek, and Nidhi Agrawal (2016), “Coping and Construal Level Matching Drives Health Message Effectiveness via Response Efficacy or Self-Efficacy Enhancement," Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (October), 429-447.

7. Han, DaHee, Adam Duhachek, and Derek D. Rucker (2015), “Distinct Threats, Common Remedies: How Consumers Cope with Threat,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 (4), 531-545.

- Won the JCP C. W. Park Young Contributor Award at the Society for Consumer Psychology Conference in St. Pete Beach, Florida, February 25th-27th.

8. So, Jane, Chethana Achar, DaHee Han, Nidhi Agrawal, Adam Duhachek, and Durairaj Maheswaran (2015), “The Psychology of Appraisal: Specific Emotions and Decision-Making,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 (3), 359-371.

9. Han, DaHee, Adam Duhachek, and Nidhi Agrawal (2014), “Emotions Shape Decisions Through Construal Level: The Case of Guilt and Shame," Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (December), 1047-1064.

- Featured in The Globe and Mail, Digital Marketing Magazine, Marketing Tech, Bloomberg Businessweek.com, HealthGauge.com, Start Your Business Magazine, Bdaily Business News, Making Money.

10. Agrawal, Nidhi, DaHee Han, and Adam Duhachek (2013), “Emotional Agency Appraisals Influence Responses to Preference Inconsistent Information,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 120 (1), 87-97.

11. Duhachek, Adam, Nidhi Agrawal, and DaHee Han (2012), “Guilt Versus Shame: Coping, Fluency, and Framing in the Effectiveness of Responsible Drinking Messages,” Journal of Marketing Research, 49 (6), 928-941.

12. Yi, Youjae and DaHee Han (2009), “The Relative Influence of Ad Attitude and Brand Cognition on Brand Attitude in Comparative Advertising-Functional Products vs. Hedonic Products,” Advertising Research, 83, 129-153.

[Book Chapter]

13. Han, DaHee, Adam Duhachek, and Nidhi Agrawal (2015), “Coping Research in the Broader Perspective: Emotions, Threats, Mindsets and More,” in Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Eds. Michael Norton, Derek D. Rucker, and Cait Lamberton, 282-308.