Professor / Management Information Systems
JungJoo (JJ) Jahng is Professor of Information Systems in the College of Business Administration, Seoul National University. Prior to joining SNU in 2004, he was a faculty member at Lally School of Management & Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He received a B.S. degree in business administration and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Seoul National University, and a Ph.D. degree in management information systems from the University of WisconsinРMilwaukee. His research interests are in the domains of e-Business, IT strategy, and IT-based innovation. His research has appeared in a number of journals such as IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, the European Journal of Information Systems, the Journal of Information Technology, the E-Service Journal, and in refereed conference proceedings such as the Association for Information Systems Conference (AMCIS). He had the privilege of being one of the few accepted as a doctoral consortium candidate in both AIS 1999 Conference as well as International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS-99), which is the premier conference for IS researchers and professionals. He also has a number of years of real-world IT experience in South Korea. Dr. Jahng won the first Stafford Beer Award from OR Society, London, UK in 2004 for the best paper published in the European Journal of Information Systems in 2002. One of his research papers was also nominated as one of the best papers in the AMCIS 1999 Conference.
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, School of Business Administration, 2000
Major: Management Information Systems
Minor: Organizational Behavior and Strategy
Dissertation: Successful Design of Electronic Commerce Environments: The Role
of Sense of Presence On User Behavior
MBA Graduate School of Management, Seoul National University, S. Korea, 1991
Concentration: Management Information Systems
Thesis: A Study on the Management of IS Project Toward Organizational
Productivity Enhancement
B.A. College of Business Administration, Seoul National University, S. Korea, 1989
[Academic and Professional Experience]
Seoul National University, College of Business Administration, Professor of Information Systems, 2011-Present.
Seoul National University, College of Business Administration, Associate Professor of Information Systems, 2006-2011.
Seoul National University, College of Business Administration, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, 2004-2006.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA), Lally School of Management & Technology,
Assistant Professor of Information Systems, 2000-2004.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, School of Business Administration,
Lecturer of Information Systems, 1999-2000.
Samsung SDS, Seoul, S. Korea,
Information Systems Strategy Specialist, 1992-1995.
Samil Coopers & Lybrand Consulting Co., Seoul, S. Korea,
Information Technology Consultant, 1991.
[Honors and Awards]
The OR Societys Stafford Beer Medal for The Best Paper published in the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) in 2002, Awarded by The Operation Research Society, 2004.
Listed in "Whos Who in America? Marquis Whos Who, 57th Edition, 2003 & 58th Edition, 2004.
Listed in "Whos Who in the World", Marquis Whos Who, 21st Edition 2004.
Beta Gamma Sigma: The Honor Society for Outstanding Scholars in Business Programs accredited by AACSB, 2000.
Ernst & Young/ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems) Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Charlotte, NC, December 1999.
Best Paper Award for the Marketing & Consumer Behavior in Electronic Markets Track, AMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems), August 1999.
[Courses Taught]
In Korean:
Information Systems Seminar (Graduate), Management Information Systems (Undergraduate)
In English:
Information Technology (Graduate), Introduction to Management (Undergraduate), Management Information Systems (Undergraduate)
[Professional Services]
Editorial Review Board:
International Journal of E-Business Research
Seoul Journal of Business
Ad-Hoc Reviewer for:
Information Systems Research, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Journal of Business Venturing, Informing Science, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Global Information Technology Management (GITM) World Conference.
Ad-Hoc Grant Reviewer for:
Israel Science Foundation
Discussant for:
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2002
Professional Association
Korean Society of Management Information System
The Association for Information Systems
Academy of Management
Korean Corporation Management Association
Korean Society for Internet Information
Other Professional Activities
Academy of Management, OCIS/TIM Division, Junior Faculty Consortium Fellow, August 2001.
ICIS, Junior Faculty Consortium Fellow, December 2001.
AMCIS, Junior Faculty Consortium Fellow, August 2002.
[Journal Article Publications]
Cho,H., Jahng, J., Factors affecting the performance of voluntary participants in the knowledge sharing virtual community, International Journal of Web based community, 2014, (10:3), pp. 339; 356.
Yang, S., Yoo, B., and Jahng, J., Does the SaaS Model Really Increase Customer Benefits?, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 20, No.2, June 2010, pp. 87-101.
Joo, J., Jahng, J., and Cho, H., A Study on the Profitability Enhancement of SI Business in Public and Finance Sector, Information Systems Review, 12(1), April 2010, pp. 165-188. (in Korean)
Sung, K., Kim, T., Jahng, J., and Ahn, J., The Effect of Personal Characteristics and User Involvement on Knowledge Sharing in the Knowledge-Exchange Website Context, Journal of Society for e-business Studies, 14(4), Nov. 2009, pp. 229-253. (in Korean)
Choi, J. and Jahng, J., Predictors of E-commerce Use of the Internet: A Multinational Comparative Study - the U.S., the Netherlands, and S. Korea, Seoul Journal of Business, 15(1), June 2009, pp. 65-90.
Cho, H. and Jahng, J., An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Performance and Behaviors of Participants in the Knowledge Sharing Virtual Community 19(1), Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, 19(1), March 2009, pp. 63-82. (in Korean)
Yang, J., Ahn, J., and Jahng, J., The Effects of The Board’s Participation in Strategic IT Decision Making on Business Performance: IT Governance Perspective, Korean Management Review, 38(1), February 2009, pp. 239-267. (in Korean)
Huang, M., Ahn, J., and Jahng, J., Patterns of Collaboration Networks: Co-authorship Analysis of MIS Quarterly from 1996 to 2004, The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies, 13(4), November 2008, pp. 193-207. (in Korean)
Jahng, J., Kwon, S., and Koh, S., A Study on the History of IS Development Methodology, Information Systems Review, 10(2), August 2008, pp. 211-234. (in Korean)
Kim, Y., Oh, S., Ahn, J., and Jahng, J., What happens after IT adoption?: Role of habits, confirmation, and computer self-efficacy formed by the experiences of use, The Journal of MIS Research, 18(1), March 2008, pp. 25-51. (in Korean)
Park, C., Ahn, J., and Jahng, J., Factors influencing the Intention to Adopt Mobile Banking, The Journal of Internet e-Commerce Research, 7(3), September 2007, pp. 97-129. (in Korean)
Jahng, J., Jain, H., and Ramamurthy, Effects of Interaction Richness on Consumer Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions in E-Commerce: Some Experimental Results, European Journal of Information Systems, 16(3), July 2007, pp. 254-269.
Kim, C, Jahng, J., and Lee, J., An Empirical Investigation of the Utilization-based Information Technology Success Model: Integrating Task-Performance and Social Influence Perspective, Journal of Information Technology, 22(2), June 2007, pp. 152-160.
Jahng, J., Jain, H., and Ramamurthy, K., An Empirical Study of The Impact of Product Characteristics and Electronic Commerce Interface Richness on Consumer Attitude and Purchase Intentions, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 36(6), November 2006, pp.1185-1201.
Jahng, J. and Kim H., A Study on Conceptual fr_x_amework for a Typology of Cyber Communities , Journal of Information and Operations Management, 15 (1), August 2005, pp. 103-116.
Jahng, J. and Rhee, H., A Conceptual Study on On-Line Reference Group, The Korean Business Journal, 38 (4), December 2004.
Mendoza, R. and Jahng, J., An Exploratory Study on Adoption of Complex Networked Technologies: The Case of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Specifications, Seoul Journal of Business, 10 (2), December 2004, pp.81-98.
Jahng, J., Information Systems Reuse: Organizational Focus, Journal of Information and Operations Management, 14 (2), December 2004, pp. 93-106.
Jahng, J., Jain, H., and Ramamurthy, K., Personality Traits and Effectiveness of Presentation of Product Information in E-Business Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, 11 (3), September 2002, pp. 181-195. "Best Paper" Awarded.
Jahng, J., Jain, H., and Ramamurthy, K., The Impact of Electronic Commerce Environment on User Behavior: The Case of a Complex Product, e-Service Journal, 1 (1), Fall 2001, pp. 41-53.
Jahng, J., Jain, H., and Ramamurthy, K., Effective Design for Electronic Commerce Environments: A Proposed Theory of Congruence and An Illustration, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 30 (4), July 2000, pp.456-471.
Park, C., Yoo, Y., and Jahng, J., Exercises in Business Data Processing (in Korean), Bub-Moon Sa, Seoul, Korea, 1991.
[Conference Proceedings/Presentations]
Lee, S. and Jahng, J., Tense Moods Make You Use Habitually Facebook: A New fr_x_amework for Habitual IT Use based on the Mechanisms of Mood Regulation, Proceedings of Americas Conference of Association for Information Systems, Chicago, IL, USA, August 15-17, 2013.
Lee, S. and Jahng, J.,Identification of factors affecting habitual IS use, Post-ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems) LGCNS/KrAIS Workshop, Orlando, FL. USA, December, 2012.
Jahng, J., Has fundamental rules of game changes?, Wuhan International Conference of E-Business, Wuhan China, May, 2012.
Kim, T., Jahng, J. and Ravichandran, T. "Study on the Innovation of South Korean Mobile Telecommunication Businesses: An Institutional Intervention Perspective," in Proceedings of 15th Americas Conference of Association for Information Systems, San Francisco, CA, USA, August 6-9, 2009.
Cho, H., and Jahng, J. "Factors Affecting Volunteer Participants' Performance in the Virtual Community: The Case of Knowledge Sharing Website," in Proceedings of 15th Americas Conference of Association for Information Systems, San Francisco, CA, USA, August 6-9, 2009.
Lee, H., Jahng, J., and Ahn, J., A study on Business Factors in Ubiquitous Digital Contents Environment (Focused on User Created Contents), Pre-ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems) Workshop, Montreal, Canada, December 2007.
Oh, H. and Jahng, J., An Exploratory Study of Channel Choice Behavior, 2005 KMIS (Korean Society of Management Information Systems) International Conference, November 2005.
Mendoza, R., Ravichandran, T.,and Jahng, J., Adoption of Vertical Standards, Proceedings of 13th European Conference on Information Systems, May 2005.
Ahn, J., Jahng, J., Kim, E., and Park, C. A Study on Factors Influencing Information Value and User Attitude in Mobile Environments: The Case of Mobile Advertising, Annual Fall Conference of The Korean Society of Management Information Systems, November 2004.
Kim, C., Jahng, J., and Lee, J., A Causal Model for Information Technology Acceptance and Its Impact on Individual Performance, Proceedings of 10th Americas Conference of Association for Information Systems, August 2004. pp. 3317-3328.
Mendoza, R. and Jahng, J., The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and eBusiness: Significance and Impact, Proceedings of 9th Americas Conference of Association for Information Systems, August 2003.
Mendoza, R. and Jahng, J., Adoption of XML Specifications: An Exploratory Study of Industry Practices, Proceedings of 9th Americas Conference of Association for Information Systems, August 2003.
Mendoza, R. and Jahng, J., Electronic Commerce and Technology Standards: The eXtensible Markup Language and The Electronic Markets Hypothesis, Proceedings of 8th Americas Conference of Association for Information Systems, August 2002.
Jahng, J., Jain, H., and Ramamurthy, K., Personality and Product Information Presentation In E-Commerce Environments, Proceedings of 7th Americas Conference of Association for Information Systems, August 2001.
Jahng, J., Jain, H., and Ramamurthy, K., Empirical Investigation into Impact of Electronic Commerce Systems Richness on User Behavior: The Case of a Complex Product, Proceedings of 6th Americas Conference of Association for Information Systems, August 2000.
Jahng, J., Successful Design of Electronic Commerce: The Role of Sense of Presence on User Behavior, Proceedings of ICIS 1999 Ernst & Young Foundation Doctoral Consortium, 1999.
Jahng, J., Jain, H., and Ramamurthy, K., Product Complexity, Richness of Web-based Electronic Commerce Systems, and System Success: A Proposed Research fr_x_amework, Proceedings of 5th Americas Conference of Association for Information Systems, 1999, pp. 520-522. (AIS 99 Best Paper in Track)
Jahng, J., Successful Design of Electronic Commerce: On the role of Sense of Presence in User Behavior, Proceedings of AIS 1999 Doctoral Consortium, 1999.
Jahng, J. Product Attributes, Consumer Information Processing Style, and Information Presentation in Web-Based Commerce: A Proposed Model, Presented at INFORMS Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 1999.
Jahng, J. and Ramamurthy, K., Influence of IT Architectural Strategy and Business Strategy Alignment on Competitive Advantage: A Proposed Research fr_x_amework, Proceedings of 4th Americas Conference of Association for Information Systems, 1998, pp. 517-520.
Jahng, J. and Zahedi, F., Intelligent Electronic Facilitator: Increasing GDSS Effectiveness and Making Web-based GDSS Possible, Proceedings of 4th Americas Conference of Association for Information Systems, 1998, pp. 481-483.
Jahng, J. The Impact of Electronic Commerce Environmental Richness on Consumer Behavior, UWM School of Business Brown Bag Seminar, May 5, 2000.