Common[2013 Global MBA] Guidance on Enrollment
June 28, 2013 Hit 5510

Guidance on Enrollment for 2013 Global MBA  


Tuition payment bill is available from 10:00 AM July 1(Mon), 2013.



* Tuition Payment Period: July 8(Mon) ~ July 11(Thur) 16:00 (Korea Standard Time)

* Bank account for Tuition: 농협(Nong Hyup) 079-01-472794, 서울대학교(Seoul National University)

* Payment Method: Bank Transfer ("Student Name" should be entered in the sender section.)

* If you receive scholarship, then waived amount of fee will be indicated at the bill.

* Confirmation text message or email will be sent the day after your tuition is paid.

 (Confirmation of tuition fees is available to print out from SNU portal in September, 2013.)


MBA Office