Common[2013 Global MBA] Final Decision Announcement
June 13, 2013 Hit 7034
2013 Global MBA Final decision announcement
Please click the link below to check your application result for 2013 Global MBA. (It is available from June 14th, 10 a.m.) > Click " Global MBA" (not International Admission)
If you hold foreign nationality other than Korea, the blanks for "주민등록번호" should be filled in with your DOB(date of birth in year, month, date format) and 1000000(male) or 2000000(female).
i.e. DOB : 1/23/1980
--> male : 800123-1000000
--> female : 800123-2000000

Thank you.

MBA Administrative office (82-2-880-2551, 1334)